Collection: THIS IS LOVE

1 John 1:10 (New Living Translation)

This is real love—not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our sins.

Embrace the essence of love with this striking and meaningful tee. The verse serves as a poignant reminder that true love originates from a divine source—the boundless love of God Himself. In a world filled with various expressions of affection, this shirt celebrates the ultimate act of love, where God, in His infinite mercy, sent His Son as a sacrifice to redeem humanity from sin.

"This is Love" t-shirt features a contemporary design, symbolizing the enduring message of unconditional love and grace. Share the profound truth of 1 John 1:10 with the world—love beyond comprehension, love that knows no bounds. Let this t-shirt be a beacon of hope, reminding us that through love, we find forgiveness, redemption, and an everlasting connection to the divine.

Choose love, wear love, and spread love with our "This is Love" t-shirt. Join us in celebrating the most profound love story ever written—the love of God for all humanity.