Collection: "IN" HIM

ACTS 17:28 (New Living Translation)

For in him we live and move and exist. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’

Celebrate your faith and connection with the divine in style with our "In Him" inspired t-shirt, designed to embody the profound message from Acts 17:28.  These words serve as a constant reminder of our unbreakable bond with God, empowering us to live purposefully and walk confidently in His grace.  Be secure in knowing that in every breath we take, in every beat of our hearts, we are intricately and intimately connected with our Creator.

So wear the 'In Him' tee with pride, and embrace the fact that you are forever joined to the Source of all life and love. Let it spark meaningful conversations and let it be a testament to your faith in the One who sustains us all. Embrace the truth, embrace the love, embrace being 'In Him.'"